Superlines Documentation

DocumentationBrand Hub

Brand Hub

The Brand Hub is your central location for managing your brand's identity, settings, and marketing strategy within Superlines. Use this data to give insturction for our AI agents to generate recommendations, analysis, insights, startegies and content.


The Brand Hub allows you to:

  • Define your brand's basic information
  • Document your growth strategy
  • Identify your target audience
  • Manage SEO keywords and search queries
  • Track competitors
  • Configure language and regional settings

Accessing Brand Hub

  1. Log in to your Superlines account
  2. From the left sidebar, click on "Brand Hub"
  3. You'll see the Brand Settings dashboard

Configuring Basic Information

The Basic Information section includes:

Brand Name

Your company or product name that will be tracked across AI searches and analytics.


Your primary website URL that will be used for tracking and analysis.

Company Description

A detailed description of what your business does, the problems you solve, and your unique value proposition. This helps Superlines AI understand your business context.

Growth Strategy

Your marketing and growth objectives, focusing on:

  • Product development goals
  • Content marketing strategy
  • Key differentiators
  • Market positioning

Defining Your Target Market

Target Audience

Specify your ideal customers, including:

  • Demographics
  • Industry focus
  • Job roles
  • Pain points

Example: "Marketing teams, growth marketers, businesses seeking to improve their online presence in the age of AI."


Select your primary target market country to help with regional analysis and recommendations.


Choose the language of your brand and the language of your target audience.

SEO & Keywords Management

Main Keyword

Your primary keyword that defines your business category (e.g., "AI Marketing").

Main Search Query

The primary search phrase that you want to rank for in search engines (e.g., "How to optimize for AI search engines").

Competitor Management

Track up to 4 main competitors:

Adding Competitors

  1. Enter the competitor name
  2. Enter their website URL
  3. Click "Add Competitor"

Managing Competitor List

  • View all added competitors
  • Remove competitors by clicking the "X" button
  • Modify competitor information as needed

Competitor tracking is essential for:

  • Comparing your performance against industry benchmarks
  • Identifying content gaps
  • Understanding competitive positioning in AI search results

Re-analyzing Your Brand

If your website has changed or your brand has been renewed, you can re-analyze your brand to generate the data with AI.

  1. Click the "Re-analyze Brand" button in the top-right corner
  2. Superlines will refresh all analyses based on your updated information
  3. New recommendations and insights will be generated

Multiple Brand Management

If your subscription allows multiple organizations:

  1. Each organization can have its own brand settings
  2. Switch between organizations using the organization selector
  3. Brand Hub settings are specific to each organization

Best Practices

For optimal results with Brand Hub:

  1. Be specific in your descriptions - Avoid generic statements
  2. Update regularly - Keep your brand information current
  3. Include differentiators - Highlight what makes your brand unique
  4. List actual competitors - Choose companies you compete with directly
  5. Be thorough - Complete all sections for best results

Organization Language Settings

If you need to change the default language that Superlines uses for AI output, you can do so in the Organization Settings.

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Organization Settings"
  2. Scroll to "Organization Language"
  3. Select your preferred language for AI output
  4. Save your changes

Next Steps

After configuring your Brand Hub:

  1. Set up Integrations to connect your marketing platforms
  2. Check your Generative Search results
  3. Review new Recommendations based on your brand settings